NameSigfrid Margrethe Jakobsen 1036
Birth Date20 Sep 1914
Birth PlaceNorway, Nordland, Ofoten, Evenes
Death Date12 Mar 1992
Death PlaceNorway, Nordland, Ofoten, Evenes
Birth PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Leiranger, Leines
Death Date19 Mar 1969
Death PlaceNorway, Nordland, Ofoten, Evenes
Marr Date16 Jul 1944
Marr PlaceNorway, Nordland, Ofoten, Evenes
Notes for Sigfrid Margrethe Jakobsen
Sigfrid’s parents are Julius Lind Jakobsen and Johanna Josefine Marie Johansdatter.
Notes for Knut (Spouse 1)
The family lived in Evenes.