NameTheodor Jakobsen 711
Birth Date8 Jul 1854
Birth PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Skjenaust
Death Date19 Mar 1919
Death PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Barnbogen
MemoCause of death: tuberculosis
Birth PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Barnbogen
Death Date7 Oct 1934
Death PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Barnbogen
Marr Date1 Aug 1875
Marr PlaceNorway, Nordland, Steigen, Barnbogen
Notes for Theodor Jakobsen
Theodor’s parents are Jacob Olai Hansen and Ane Christensdatter.
On Monday, March 14, 1887, an avalanches of snow hit the house of Theodor Jacobsen at Vikran and two of the children, Matilde Henriette 11 years and Thora Alvilde 1 year, perished. So did the grandmother of the children, Ane Christensdatter 71 years.
After this accident, Theodor Jacobsen, with his family, moved to Barnborgen.
Notes for Agnete Marie (Spouse 1)
The family had a foster child, Henriette Amalie Pedersen (26/9/1897), who married their son Konrad Thomas Meier.
From 1877 to 1887 the family lived in Skjenaust.