Our Family History
Our Family History
By Peder Kristensen
Welcome to my genealogy project!

There are four options on the menu bar: Surnames, Index, Sources and Search. The Surname and Index lists all the family names on the website.

There are a Family Sheet, Person Sheet and a Tree page. Clicking the “tree icon” on a person sheet or family card and it will displays a 5-generation pedigree chart. People on the first three generations have a drop-down menu appearing beneath their boxes that list spouse and children links.

Note: Pictures and notes on living persons are omitted to protect privacy.

After many years of research and lots of input and support by my cousin Ann-Che Minnesköld, family members and other non-related people, too many to mention here, and countless sources.

There are families on the site that are related in oneway or other. Our family forebears includes the names of: Andersdotter, Burke, Cameron, Gustafsson, Janzon, Janzon-Fries, King, Kristensen, Larsson, McPhee, Norbäck, Nilsson, Persdotter, Solbu and Öller.

If you find yourself, or any of your family members, on the site, please send me a brief note or suggested additions or corrections.

Please feel free contact me if you would like any further information.